Birds in the City and by the Sea with Ms.O’Brien’s First Class

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We began today by looking at our paintings from the first week when we let paints flow, mixed colours and experimented with brush marks. Then we talked about all the birds we had seen last week in Fairview Park and Clontarf and the different shapes of the birds, their wings, head, beak, tail, legs and feet and the colours of their different parts. We used our notebooks and drawings to help us remember the details and names of the birds and plan our paintings of birds.

Each student worked on a painting of one of the birds they had seen last week or see regularly on the way to school. Beautiful work by everyone – slow painting, mixing of colours, textures and the shapes of each bird. We had a great selection from blackbirds, robins, herons, pigeons, herring seagulls, ducks, swans, kingfishers to the lesser spottted rock pipit! We talked about where we had seen the birds and this helped to paint in the background for the birds. Here are some from images of the flock!

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